The Future of Hemp
Circularity and Zero Waste for a future-proof business model
Hemp can make a key contribution to upscaling innovative solutions capable of accelerating the transition towards a regenerative growth model that gives back to the planet more than it takes whilst creating many thousands of new green and highly-skilled jobs in rural areas and in manufacturing. The hemp industry is a cost-effective and socially responsible business that can help mitigate Climate Change, representing a shift in our current system to upgrade it to a circular economy. The versatile nature of hemp potentially represents multi-billion € downstream markets, particularly in manufacturing of reusable, recyclable and compostable biomaterials.
Due to a clear and growing interest from consumers for natural and sustainably sourced fibres and products, increased demand and major growth is expected in the coming years. This will give hemp the visibility it deserves as an ally of restoring environmental balance and achieving decarbonisation targets for a future-proof and thriving sustainable economy.