1. June 2011 Daniel Kruse

Please find enclosed the position paper with the final layout! We could submit the position paper within the deadline for the EU.
The results clearly show that the EFSA limit recommendations are much too strict:
Guideline for maximum THC content to hemp feed materials for farm animals like poultry, pigs, cows and fish, used for food production (meat, milk, eggs)
Based on the derived new LOEL and ADI values and following the methodology of EFSA this would lead to a maximum THC content of 100 mg/kg to hemp seed-derived feed materials.
Furthermore we don’t see any reason to prohibit whole hemp plant-derived feed materials in general. Because those feed materials can be used in a five to ten times higher share (up to 100%) in animal feed, we propose a maximum THC content of 10 mg/kg to whole hemp plant-derived feed materials.
Download: 11-05-31_EIHA-Statement.pdf