22. October 2013 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
a member of the EIHA informed us about the following changes in the COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 393/2013 – please see enclosed PDF file too:
“EU Member States are no longer required to report THC values to the European Commission, as of 29 April 2013 (see Article 2 in the attached regulation). This may not be too clear at first; Article 2 in this regulation states “In Article 40(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1122/2009, the second subparagraph is deleted”
This very simple sentence contains a LOT of change. If one takes the time to actually look up Article 40(2) of EC 122/2009, one will notice that this Article contains the instructions on how Member States should report THC values to the EC. This has been deleted. Completely.”
file: 393_2013.pdf