COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1673/2000 on the common organisation of the markets in flax and hemp grown for fibre.
27 July 2000
In view of the differences between the market for long flax fibre and the market for short flax fibre and hemp
fibre, the aid should be differentiated according to which of the two types of fibre is obtained. In order to ensure
that overall support is sufficient to maintain traditional production of long flax fibre in conditions similar to
those provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1308/70 of 4 July 1970 on the common organisation of
the market in flax and hemp (6), the aid should be gradually increased to offset the gradual reduction in the
aid per hectare paid to growers under Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 and, ultimately, the abolition of the aid
for short flax fibre. The aid for short flax fibre and hemp fibre should be fixed at a level that will give new products
and their potential outlets the time to reach equilibrium. In order to promote only the production of high
quality short flax fibre and hemp fibre, provision should be made for a maximum percentage of impurities and
shives, together with transitional provisions to enable the processing industry to adapt to this requirement.
document: l_19320000729en00160022.pdf