All released presentations will be available for download as soon as possible:
1st day: 26.5.2010: 10 – 18.00h
State of the Hemp Industry – Country Reports
10.00 State of the hemp industry,
Michael Carus (nova-Institut GmbH, Germany)
10.30 Hemp Technology Ltd 2010,
Mike Duckett (Hemp Technology Ltd, Great Britain)
11.00 Hemp production in Thailand,
Prof. Arkom Kanjanaprachot (Maejo University and Royal Project Foundation, Thailand)
11.30 Industrial hemp as organic growth medium in Denmark,
Bodil Pallesen (AgroTech A/S, Denmark)
12:00 Polish cultivars and perspective lines of industrial hemp,
Malgorzata Strybe (Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants, Poland)
Hemp Fibres: Separation and Modification
14.00 Crailar update and potential impact on North American hemp fibre industry,
Jason Finnis (Naturally Advanced Technologies, Canada)
14:30 High – performance hemp fibres and industrial applications: brake linings, gaskets, and others
, Dr. Volker von Drach (ECCO Gleittechnik GmbH, Germany) (PDF of the presentation, PPT)
High – performance hemp fibres and industrial applications: brake linings, gaskets, and others
, Dr. Volker von Drach (ECCO Gleittechnik GmbH, Germany) (PDF of the speech)
Hemp for Construction
15.30 BRE and the Renewable House,
Nicholas Corker (Building Research Establishment Ltd, Great Britain)
16.30 The aims of the International Hemp Building Association
Steve Allin (International Hemp Building Association, Ireland)
16.00 Characteristics and advantages of hemp-lime construction,
Dr. Mike Lawrence (University of Bath, Great Britain)
2nd day: 27.5.2010: 09.00 – 16.30h
Hemp Cultivation
9:00 Future of hemp: cultivation, processing and markets,
Francois Desanlis (Hemp Farmer, France)
9:30 Optimizing yields and Improving harvesting conditions: Key tasks for the french Hemp Technical Institut (ITC)
, Nicolas Cerrutti (INSTITUT TECHNIQUE DU CHANVRE, France)
Hemp Fibres: Reinforcement
10:30 Innovative Natural Fibre Reinforced Bio-Composite Granules for Cradle-to-Cradle Solutions – China in our hands?
Martin Snijder (GreenGran B.V., The Netherlands)
11:00 Polypropylene-Hemp compounding with internal mixers,
Dr. Hans Korte (Innovationsberatung Holz und Fasern, Germany)
11:30 Innovative bicycle frame made of hemp and bambus!
Nicolas Meyer (ONYX composites, Germany)
12:00 Fibrous materials from the wet supply chain as reinforcement in composites
, Wallot, G.; Gusovius, H.-J.; Pecenka, R.; Hoffmann, Th. (Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim, Germany)
Hemp Textiles and more
13:30 Hemp in cloths – in the past and today,
Robert Hertel (HempAge AG, Germany)
14:00 Hemp fabrics and clothes – developments and challenges,
Daniel Kruse (Hempro Int. GmbH & Co. KG, Germany)
Hemp Seeds and Oil
14:30 Hemp foods and Hemp milk from Living Harvest,
Hans Fastre (Living Harvest Food, USA)
15:00 Marketing for hemp soap and cosmetics
, Michael Bronner (Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, USA)
15:30 A Canadian Research Update – Food, Fibre and Feed Trials
, Anndrea Hermann (Hemp Oil Canada Inc., Canada)
16:00 Hemp foods, oil and milk from Manitoba Harvest, Canada
, Daniel Kruse (Hempro Int. GmbH & Co. KG, Germany)