19. November 2004 Daniel Kruse

La Chanvrière du Belon a hemp operator in French Cornwall. Our cooperative structure organises a part of hemp cultivation in France in collaboration with certified organic farmers. Hemp, one of the first plant ever to be grown, possesses numerous qualities
and can be used in many different areas (textile, paper-making, cosmetics, foodstuffs, building…). In particular, given the rot-proof nature of hemp plant fibres and the insulating properties of the plant, we were able to develop a building technique for modern, confortable housing. The patented process is based on the «cob» building technique, where a plant is mixed with a binder. With our transformation process, the integrity of plant fibres is preserved, giving the material perfect cohesion and outstanding mechanical strength.
author: André Noel, Chanvriere du Belon (France)
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