18.-19. November 2004 in EUROMEDIA hotel in Hürth (Metropolitan area Cologne-Bonn), Germany
First day:
- Michael Karus, EIHA coordinator (Germany)
Hemp in Europe – an overview - Dr. Janoš Berenji, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro)
Hemp research and development in Serbia – past, present and future - Pierre Bouloc, LCDA (France)
French Hemp Production - François Desanlis, EIHA coordinator (France)
Industrial hemp development - Bernard Wittrock & Heinz Heyers, Hans Wittrock GmbH (Germany)
Wittrock Harvesting System for hemp - Martina Kolarek, RIO e.V. (Germany)
EUNIT – European Innovation in Natural Fibre Technology - Geofrey Kime, Hempline Inc. (Canada)
Perspectives for hemp & other natural fibres in North America - Gero Leson, Leson Environmental Consulting (USA)
Hemp in Canada and the U.S.: production, markets and joint industry research on hemp food
Second day:
- Michael Karus, nova-Institut (Germany)
Natural fibres in compounds for the German Automotive Industry 1996-2004 - Dominik Vogt, nova-Institut (Germany)
Short presentation of hemp compounds for abrasive wheels - Dirk Fischer, R+S Technik GmbH (Germany)
Natural fibre press-moulding processing - Heribert Jungmann und Manfred Lahm J. Dittrich & Söhne Vliesstoffwerk GmbH
New natural fire thermoset prepress - Sven Ortmann, nova-Institut (Germany)
Natural fibre-PP-injection moulding – a promising new material - Mohini Sain, University of Toronto (Canada)
Natural fibre plastic injection moulding with fibreglass - Hubert Schmid, IST Ltd. (Switzerland)
Characterization of Hemp Fibre Width Using Quantitative Image Analysis - Jan E.G. van Dam, A&F (the Netherlands)
Quality control and the integrated supply chain of hemp for textile processing - Robert Franck, Rafex Ltd.(UK)
The potential market for hemp textiles and the obstacles to be overcome in achieving this - Toni Palmer, Pacific Fibre Corporation (Australia)
Presentation of Pacific Fibre Corporation’s hemp textile activities - Michael Karus, nova-Institut (Germany)
Overview of the eco-building market in Germany - Bernard Boyeux, Balthazard & Cotte Batiment (France)
Hemp shives – the French approach to ecological building - André Noël, Chanvriere du Belon (France)
Hemp mat insulation