Dear Reader
You have received this email as someone who should be aware of the potential and benefit of a New Zealand industrial hemp (iHemp) industry.
The NZHIA have attached some documents to help raise your awareness:
· NZHIA Economic Potential for iHemp
· Building capacity for a multi-billion dollar industry in New Zealand
· Promoting the economic, environmental, health and social benefits of a NZ hemp industry (iHemp)
These documents will give you an insight into the billion $ potential of a New Zealand iHemp industry.
What the industry can do for the economy, the environment and rural communities in New Zealand.
The industry has started and the annual acreage is growing.
The current on farm returns compare favourably with the returns from other crops, the upside is:
· Only limited work has been done to improve seed varieties and processing steps
· The large markets for a huge range of products is only just starting to emerge
· Our research and developments are in demand by the worldwide iHemp industry
We are ready to get started on a multi-billion dollar industry and you need to be talking about it, getting people involved and supporting the development of this industry.
Please check out the our website, and subscribe to receive quarterly updates on the New Zealand iHemp industry.
Please contact a member of the NZHIA executive for further comment.
· Mack Mcintosh – Chairman,
· Penny Young – Secretary
· Richard Barge – Treasurer
If appropriate please consider joining the NZHIA and being represented in the Industry.
Kind regards
Richard Barge, BCom FCCA
New Zealand Hemp Industries Association Inc
Po Box 38 392, Howick, Auckland
M: 021 706 690