Dear all,
please find attached a request of David Piller,, Sustainable Living Roadshow 2011:
Dear EIHA members,
My name is David Piller and I’m the Hemp Education Director for the Sustainable Living Roadshow(SLR):
With over 500,000 miles of collective eco-touring experience under our belt, we are excited to be embarking on a 4 month tour and showcasing our new Hemp Hut at 15-25 eco-festivals nation-wide. Attached is a proposal describing our plans for the Hemp Hut. We are very excited to bring this critical information nation-wide and the proposal describes how we intend to do that.
Our goal with the Hemp Hut is to provide attendees with as many concrete examples of hemp products as we possibly can, including hemp-based plastics
In terms of how members of the EIHA could be involved, here is what we propose:
SLR requests the donation of sample pieces of various grades/types of hemp plastic pellets and finished products to be included in the items displayed in the new Hemp Hut.
SLR requests promotional and educational materials so we can promote hemp plastics and educate attendees nation-wide.
SLR requests the donation of a hemp plastic briefcase and/or guitar cases for use by staff and bands on tour as quality showcase pieces and conversation starters.
Our time-line is unfortunately not very long. We leave for tour in July 30th, but don’t officially start our public events until Mid-August. We will be able to receive shipments on the East Coast after mid-August, if the late-July timeline is too short of notice. If your company is able to assist with any of our requests, we will greatly appreciate the support.
Thanks for your consideration of this request.
David Piller
Downlaod: SLR_Hemp_Hut_Proposal.pdf