4. April 2011 Daniel Kruse

Dear Member of the EIHA,
please find below a request regarding “importing​ Raw​ HEMP​ Bast​ Fiber​ (primary hemp fiber) for​ spinning”: mail@dskim.bz
Best regards,
Dominik Vogt (EIHA)
Dear All,
First​ of​ all,​ please​ understand​ that​ we​ are​ importer/exporter​ of​ various​ textile​ raw​ materials,​
especially​ for​ Spinning​ and​ Weaving​ mills.
We​ have​ been​ importing​ Raw​ HEMP​ Bast​ Fiber​ (primary hemp fiber) for​ spinning
​factory, as the attached photos.
Thanks​ to​ our​ increasing​ order​ volume,​ we​ are​ looking​ for​ reliable​ suppliers​
of​ Raw​ Hemp additionally,​ around 100 to 50 tons​ monthly.
Would​ you​ please​ introduce reliable supplier/exporter of Raw Hemp.
Hoping​ your​ kind​ understanding,​
With​ Best​ Regards​ DS​ Kim
DS​ International
mail@dskim.bz​ ;​ dskim@asia.com
(Korea​ Mob)​ 82-10-27873198
(China​ Mob)​ 86-13370208411,​ 15300702998,​ 13817661864
file: Raw_Hemp.zip