Dear member of the EIHA,
please find below a request of Andrius Osadcis regarding a conference on hemp.
You are welcome to reply to him directly:
Best regards,
Dominik Vogt
The First International Conference:
Bast Crops (flax, hemp, nettle): Growing, Harvesting, Processing and Applications
13th May 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania
aimed at introducing local farmers, rural communities and rural people to the prospects of bast crops in the Baltic region, the technologies of growing and processing of bast crops and the possibilities for new applications (energy from renewals, building-renovation). The languages of the conference are Lithuanian, Russian and English.
We are looking for a person who could give a presentation on hemp and nettle growing, harvesting, producing, situation and perspectives in Europe. Maybe you could recommend a person able to do that.
Have a very nice day!
Looking forward to your response,
Best wishes and regards,
Andrius Osadcis
BPKAPA Director
tel: +370 612 99445