9. December 2010 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
please find below a request of a German student Mr. Ahmad Wali Achakzai ; Perhaps you can answer him one or more questions.
Thank you very much!
All the best,
Dominik Vogt
Respectable Ladies and Gentlemen,
we are a group of architecture students at the „Bergische Universität Wuppertal“ in Germany and we are working on a project at the professorship for city planning. The project is called “ Agro City” and we have to build up and plan a new infrastructure for Hemp Cultivation and Hemp products factory(ies) in the city of Herne in NRW province of Germany. We have some questions which we couldn’t yet get answers for in Internet.
We will be very thankful if someone from your group could give us information about: ( must not be 100% accurate, estimations would help us too)
1) How much row hemp or processed fiber does one need to make one meter of cloth (for T shirts …)?
2) How much profit can a producer of such a cloth make per meter?
3) How large is the area for a nature fiber cloth?
4) How many people work in such an average plant?
5) How much cloth can an average cloth factory produce in how much time?
6) How much row hemp/ fiber does an average hemp cloth factory need for the production of whole year / day?
7) How much row hemp or processed fiber does one need to make lining (interior parts) for a whole car?
8) How much does a car interior set of parts of hemp cost?
9) How much is the pure benefit of such a car set for the producing company?
10) How many people work in a car interior part factory work?
11) How much area does a car interior factory need?
12) How much hemp / fiber does a car interior parts company need a day / a year?
13) How much seeds can be won from one plant/ or one square meter / or one hectar?
14) How much oil can be won from how much seeds?
15) How many hectares of land would we need if we have to harvest as much hemp that it can supply needed fibers / seeds to three average factories for a whole year lasting production: a) factory of interior parts for cars b) cloth factory c) oil factory
Thank you very much for taking the time to read our request.
With Best Regards
A. W. Achakzai
Irina Cernous
Olga Reimer