Dear member of the EIHA,
Zoran Dicic from Serbia requires investors for producing and processing hemp in Serbia. The new project is also guided on state level. Please find his email below and contact him directly:
Dear Sirs,
Serbia started activities at the state level to recover and start producing
industrial hemp.
As one of the founding members of the project team. I need to know whether you or your company interested in participating in the project at the national level as well as interested companies for the production and processing
hemp in Serbia.
Serbia as a state and local communities (municipalities and cities) may provide-
1st. Agricultural land with infrastructure (roads, electricity, water) for the production of industrial hemp;
2. factory hall where processed hemp or the land on which they can build factories for processing hemp
3 Country Serbia provides incentives of up to 10,000 euros for each employee
What you get as a potential investor:
much higher profit than in their own country and new markets.
I want to know if you are interested in participating in this project in Serbia.
Please reply and readiness for a meeting in Serbia will organize the Serbian Government
BBA Zoran Dinčić,
The project team
BBA Zoran Dincic,
Das Projekt-Team
Dear Sir
In southern Serbia (Leskovac – Vranje – NIS) provide several thousand acres of land on which it can be produced HEMP.Srbija own facilities where they can be placed. Auspicious There are social and economic environment for investors. If you are interested, we can continue the story
Please watch the film on YouTube
Balkan Balkan cannabis hemp – Hanf Green Valley … – YouTube
We await your response
Before and after the Second World War, Serbia was the largest producer of industrial hemp
with 32 factories. those in factories and by the processing of more than 100,000 inhabitants lived
Yugoslavia was then considered the most important producers of industrial plants. According to the FAO , in 1948. , On the basis of the areas sown to hemp , our country is the largest producer in Europe (excluding the USSR) with a share of about 25 % in Europe and 6 % worldwide. In the period from 1900 until 1960. On the territory of Serbia nor in 30 of the contained active , Kudeljara , processing , hemp stalks , and somewhere a few available . IN Odžaci then became a unified storage hemp stalk, from which dictates the price from Italy to England
Has a special role in the economic development of Leskovac Leskovac production and processing Hanf.Godine 1938 had 18,000 inhabitants, but I have more than 5,000 people in the villages adjacent to Leskovac and on the edge of town.
Was not Serbian family that had no way of producing and processing Hanf.To involved is a safe and cost effective. Was not that great and long investment of labor and resources and is largely dependent on meteorological . From planting to processing , it took over 120 days and by flooding hemp was harvested before the big heat. Cannabis was protected by the many sufferings that attacked the other . And when the year was not a sex Yields of maize and grain below expectations knew that farmers financially , take , I just to survive thanks to the production and processing of hemp, and that’s why almost every farmhouse in the near Leskovac fields of hemp
Just to the south of Serbia and Vojvodina , where it can ind.konoplja more than 100,000 hectares of available area for cultivation around 1.2 million tons of dry stalks, or 600,000 tons of pulp a value of 1 billion euros , more than 50,000 people and would employ approximately 20,000 employees produce family households in the country could be in the cooperative relationships that a total employment of about 1oo.000 ljudi.Leskovac a former textile center of Serbia and the biggest textile center of a school with all levels of textile textile College at the Technical Faculty and the Institute of mean would be included quality control and with about 30,000 unemployed people have a good chance , with the support of the Serbian state , the survey of foreign investors and large-scale farmers – whose profit in Serbia and was 5 times higher than in their home countries again be a great producer , as it once was and to another modern conditions, the dynamics of economic and socekonomskog and spiritual renewal in this part of Serbia.
Unemployment is the biggest problem Srbije.A if the conditions in this project , it would mean a large number of jobs and social security for thousands of families .
If today in Germany as the strongest economy and most populous country in Europe , and industrial superpower , the largest producer and processor of industrial hemp in addition to their Belgium , England , Russia, when the German farmers and industrialists economic sense inaccessible to the new conditions and for us academic performance of the then quite clear that the production in Serbia brought profits even higher than the Germans, Belgians and English. When a German farmer cultivated hemp on Serbian land recognized that even 5 more profit than we realized in Germany
I wonder why
Since the lease in Serbia , use and processing of the country so often cheaper than in Germany
Well, just compare the cost of labor , and everything will be clear why we have a chance , Germany or anyone else to win , to come, and that we invest with our employees in the production and processing of hemp to participate , employ a large number of people especially in cooperative relationships involved masses Mitarbeitern.Onda Serbian in Serbia and uncultivated be neglected areas , and many will also return to their homeland and in the country because I do for Profit.
The basic question for those who invest capital in any way, it will be to grow and to make a profit and how?
The recipe is simple
For each invested U.S. will return to you ten
Your gain is realized 5 times higher than the gain in Germany or in any other developed country , the realized engaged in the manufacture and processing of industrial hemp
Investor inputs
1 in the preparatory work for the cultivation of hemp and selected seeds of industrial hemp
2 gives its machines for planting and harvesting
With the Serbian government to build investor in Serbia incentives for processing plants
3 cooperative relationships with local farms that produce an interest under precisely defined conditions the same hemp
Which Serbia and the local community provides
1.Es are land, infrastructure building (roads, electricity, water , etc..)
Designed for the production of hemp and land for the construction of manufacturing facilities ( factories ) for the processing of hemp
2.incentives for each employee
supports the renewal of the traditional local economy and active association of people with their local community
What investors receive
The most important thing several times more profit than in their own country
The annual growth rate of 20-30%
Was southern Serbia benefit as local community
Job c’e get 10,000 new employees and 10,000 local subcontractor Farner is organisirit I produce on their land industry Hanf.Investitor provides seeds, what the logistics of mechanization and take care of the marketing of hemp.
• Reclaiming the planting and processing of industrial hemp in the region , especially in South Serbia Serbia and part of Vojvodina , the seeds will germinate new industrial revolution
What SERBIA as a country GETS
Share of the pie in the international division of labor and a better position in the world
The community of nations.
And all the congregation shall be done on the overall situation of the country – please help
to reap information, we are looking for investors, large producers and processors to invest in hemp production and processing of hemp in Srbiji.Da you have this information, please help me.
Please answerIf you are interested , please the answer
Leskovac Sity
Michael Rachfahl