Dear member of the EIHA,
Egon Heger from Germany ( is looking for a grower of the variety “Chameleon”.
Please contact him directly.
Best regards
Johannes Zingsheim
ask for your help in finding a hemp grower of variety “Chameleon”. In
laboratory scale this variety has brought unexpectedly high yields and
unexpectedly good fiber qualities when processing in my laboratory
whilst developing a new refining process for bast fiber plants .
If possible I would like to build up a cooperation with a grower in a
way, that partial harvests of small amounts of stems( starting from
10th of july in 10 day frequency from some 5 to 10 kg dry matter intact
stems by noting fresh matter of stems and leaves as well as dry matter
leaves) would be conserved.
In return, I would pass back some 30% of processed fibres .
For your efforts , I thank you in advance
Sincerely yours
Egon Heger
Natural Fibre Consultants
Bornwischen 17
23795 Bad Segeberg, Germany
Tel. 0049(0)171 6747179