8. July 2013 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
please find below a request from Greece.
In Greece allowed the cultivation of Hemp law 4136, ΦΕΚ 74 Α’ 20.3.2013
Two years ago with my official documents to the Government of Greece mention the benefits of this culture
Specifically in the area of the basin of Megalopolis in the center of Peloponnese in southern Greece intend together with Local Government to create a hemp processing industry while 200 hectares of arable land With abundant irrigationare in the valley with Hemp cannabis as the first phase. These areas from the release of the Public Electricity Company to the Local Government for future crops.
The climate in this part will be the crop is perfect and with rains in summer and the major production areas will all be for the EU.
Word of the specific situation facing Greece (economic) want support from EU funds for the attempted activity that will benefit the European Community.
You tell us you must apply to update Local Government of Megalopoli.
Becoming and required an Suitability Research by your Service in the construction and cultivation area?
And anything else needed for the good result of this effort.
There is correspondence with Services and Ministries if you need it.
It is the first farming in Greece and want Help.
You with this number 030 13649/04-07-2013 aware and the Office of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Tsaftaris my behalf or phone 030 2102124388
Best regards
Takis Lellos