10. December 2008 Daniel Kruse

Dear all,
on December 2008 we received the following request:
To whom it may concern
We know that your company produces different hemp products. We have the hemp factory and we are looking for investors or buyers from Canada.
The factory that produces fibre located near the federal road of Chuvash Republic (Russia) and situated on the district with the area of 7,5 hectares.
The total area of productive and administrative investments is 2853,2 square meters. The factory contains all of the required objects of civil engineering infrastructure namely transforming station, admission of natural gas and water, waterway. The factory specializes in processing of hemp. And it may produce long and short fibre with the potential production about 90 tons a year. We grow industrial hemp by ourselves so we have an unlimited lease (contract of tenancy) of the ground with the total area of 60 hectares. And we have 20 hectares of the ground in a private property. We have a resolution for the hemp cultivation. The main kinds of the raw materials are “Juliana” and “Antonio”. They are allowed for using because they don’t contain drugs.
An effective infrastructure
the substation with the power 400,00 kilowatt/hour;
gas pipeline with the capacity no less than 400 cubic meters in hour;
water tower (8 cubic meters in hour).
The main equipment of the factory
1.a machine which produces short fibre;
2.a machine which produces long fibre.
You can see some photoes in enclosured files.
Yours truly
Our contacts:
Chuvash Republic
Russian Federation
Tel: 011-7-(8352)-63-89-55
Fax: 011-7-(8352)-63-89-47
E-mail: ooo_yabloko@mail.ru
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