26. November 2007 Daniel Kruse

Dear Board of Directors, dear EIHA members,
EIHA is growing further. We have got 4 new applications for associate membership on the 5th EIHA conference and one more today. The new applicants are coming from countries that are not yet represented in EIHA, so it is very pleasant to announce them:
1) Alexander Podobedov of ASSOY (www.assoy.ru) from Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
2) Raghed Assi of UNDP from Beirut, Lebanon.
3) Tony Budden of Hemporium South Africa (www.hemporium.com) from Cape Town, Republic of South Africa.
4) Eun Soo Kim of Korea Hemp Institut from Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Today we received the application from:
Honda R&D Europe GmbH (www.honda.com) based in Offenbach, Germany.
Please give us feedback if you have any remarks on the new applicants.
If there are no negative responses the applicants will become full members in about two weeks.
Best regards,
Cezar Pendarovski
nova-Institut GmbH