16. March 2009 Daniel Kruse

Dear EIHA-Member,
we would like to invite you to the 5th General Meeting of the “European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)”!
Hotel am Rhein (Germany), (www.hotelamrhein.de), Saal Bertzdorf
Same venue like the EIHA-conference
May, 26th 2009, 19:00h – 23:00h (including lunch buffet)
The day before the big EIHA-conference (www.eiha.org/conf6th/) will take place.
Looking back
– Report on EIHA actions in 2008 and 2009 (e.g. EIHA presentation – Success in Brussels)
– Report of the member and financial situation of EIHA
– Guidelines and focus of EIHA activities in 2009
– Topic: Common marketing campaign for Hemp Fibres and more
Please let us know – via notice board or email – who will join the meeting! If you have further topics for the agenda, please let us know!
Best regards,
John Hobson
(President of EIHA)
Michael Carus
(Managing Director of EIHA)