Dear all,
We would like to invite you to the
26th General Meeting of the EIHA. 4 June 2019, start of the meeting: 18:30h
Venue: Maternushaus, Kardinal Frings Straße 1-3, 50668 Köln (Cologne), Germany.
Please note that the ONLY Regular Members and Associate members that have already paid their membership fees can participate and vote during the General Meeting.
Registration is obligatory:
Deadline for registration: 27 May 2019, 17:30h MEZ
1. Assessment of the Votes & keeper of the minutes (Lorenza)
2. Overview on the development of cultivation areas and EIHA members
3a. EIHA activities in 2019 (Mark/Lorenza/Pia/Luis/Catherine)
• Implementation of the new voting mechanism (Q&A)
• Update on hemp extracts
• THC in food
• CosIng Issue
• CAP reform and Fibres. EP Vote (02/04/2019) and next steps.
• Hemp and Environment
• EIHA Communication strategy
3b. Trade fairs and conferences in 2019
• 16th Int. Conference of the EIHA, Cologne (DE), June 2019
• MAP EXPO Cooperation, Eindhoven (NL), October 2018 (Lorenza and Mark)
4. Financial Balance of the EIHA
5. Exoneration of the Board of Directors
6. Planned future activities (to discuss)
You are welcome to submit further topics to
Download of the agenda (PDF): 19-05-03 Agenda 26 GM EIHA
Best Regards,