3. April 2017 Daniel Kruse

Dear EIHA,
I wish to grow industrial hemp on a large scale in Zimbabwe. I am currently in the research phase of a viability study of growing industrial hemp in Zimbabwe for the purpose of growing and producing hemp materials and oil. In order to proceed with the business plan, I need some advice on the global market data (seed, fiber and biodegradable plastics granules), suppliers of high quality seed which meet the standard of the market, equipment needed to produce Hemp-based biodegradable plastics from raw hemp stalks for injection molding and extrusion, as well as oil from seed.
In an effort to help revitalise the Zimbabwean economy and create a new supply of hemp for the global market and due to the country’s favourable climate and world class soils (which once grew world record food and tobacco yields), I wish to grow industrial hemp for export. The first phase of the business will involve the sale of hemp seed, oil and fiber to raise captial required for the industrial phase. Before making a decision on whether to favour seed or fiber, I need to get an idea of which delivers the best cost benefit ratio. Who are the biggest importers of industrial hemp? What is the current average price per ton for industrial hemp seed, oil and fiber? What standards are required to be met by suppliers?
In the industrial phase, the raw hemp seed and fiber will be processed into secondary products for export. Since this phase is expensive, we want to ensure that we have the best equipment and expertise available. Which channels should I follow to get advice on industrial hemp?
Thanks in advance.
With kind regards,
Cory H Smit