Dear Sir,
As we know the wild popularity and growth of Hemp Industry world wide we are India’s 1st association who are working on Industrial Hemp growth in India by the name of INDIAN INDUSTRIAL HEMP ASSOCIATION (IIHA) from past 2yrs, By so far we have sourced 1000 acers down South and North for cultivation of Industrial Hemp.
We are planning to do Hemp Fest to expand the International network and to give and get opportunity to explore market and knowledge, by various means and importing good quality seeds and helping the various Hemp companies to setup retail in India. As we know Body Shop Hemp products are selling very good the future Hemp retail market will be huge.
Few companies we will be focusing are Textile, Paper, Food, Medical, Housing, Retail, Franchisee opportunity.
Support we require from are:
Associate Partner / Representation
Acknowledgement of IIHA as collaboration for future events and participation.
Invitation to various Diplomats & Industrial Hemp companies to explore Indian Market.
Speakers to provide knowledge on Industrial Hemp.
And any other kind of support we can get.
Rohit Sharma