7. April 2011 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
please find the following information from Adrian Francis K. Clarke, Textile and Composite Industries Pty. Ltd. (adrianc1@optusnet.com.au)
Dominik Vogt (EIHA)
Dear Dominik,
Further to our email ” the Terrible Truth about Hemp” which you kindly forwarded to interested parties, I confirm that we have been discussing the technology with Canada and I enclose a report on a small ‘proof of concept’ demonstration we did in conjunction with Dr. Chris Hurren of Deakin University Geelong, Victoria Australia.
I am sure that some of your EU members would be interested to know that we have the key to a Hemp Textile Industry that could be developed to rival cotton and which can be produced on EU farms.
Best Regards,
Adrian Francis K. Clarke
Managing Director,
Textile and Composite Industries Pty. Ltd.
+61 (0) 413 721 633

Download: Report_on_Proof_of_Concept_Project_2.pdf
Download: Robert_Franck_Hemp_Report.pdf_.pdf