15. August 2013 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
please find attached a request from Croatia Ivan.Jesic@shell.com (in the EU since 1st of July 2013) concerning industrial hemp seeds.
Dear Madam, Sir,
My family in Croatia (in EU as of 01 July 2013) intends to start growing industrial hemp (primary for grain/oil production) from next year onwards.
As per my understanding of EU and Croatian regulations, seeds for growing industrial hemp have to be purchased from EU-certified suppliers or with a certification conform to the respective EU regulations.
We have significant difficulties finding appropriate seed suppliers.
Can you possibly help us with providing supplier contact details, which are able to supply in accordance with the EU regulations?
Or maybe you could direct me to a person/institution which could help me?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Ivan Jesic