Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been researching Cannabis for some time now and would like to discuss this further with your company.
My company and I are involved in the manufacture and growing of tobacco in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe grows up to 200 million kg’s of the finest tobaccos, we have 92 000 growers and I believe the Cannabis crop will be a perfect substitute or replacement to tobacco. I also believe that the Cannabis crop could change the lives of many growers and a country.
I have researched the phenomenal work your company is doing in the growing, manufacture of cannabis oils and the trials you are doing in formulating cures.
Savanna would like to start a growing project in Zimbabwe. We believe that we are in a position to get Government permission to change the legislation regarding the growing of Cannabis in Zimbabwe. This will allow us to grow the crop under close supervision and be in a position to grow large volumes. We are thus looking for buyers of cannabis oils and would like to know whether this would be of interest to your company.
We look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Gary de Jong |Business Development Director| Savanna Tobacco (Pvt) Ltd.
424 Glen Eagles Rd| Willowvale| Harare
Cell: +263 772 243 981