26. March 2012 Daniel Kruse

Dear all,
please find attached an information of Dr Dionne Payn (admin@hempindustryinsider.com) regarding “Hemp Foods Approval Delayed By FSANZ”.
Hemp Foods Approval Delayed By FSANZ
Hemp foods are still denied to Australian and New Zealand consumers. The final decision by FSANZ will be delayed until late 2012.
(Mullumbimby, Australia) – Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have announced that their assessment into whether low THC hemp should be used as a food will be delayed until the second half of 2012.
Applicant Dr Andrew Katelaris received a letter dated 16th March 2012 which stated that there were a number of issues that needed to be addressed before a final decision can be made by the FSANZ board.
The concerns included the potential cost impact on food and law enforcement agencies, whether hemp foods could interfere with saliva THC testing results and whether the industry can achieve lower amounts of THC in foods than the levels proposed by FSANZ in their initial assessment.
THC or delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the compound found in Cannabis sativa that when present in high concentrations is responsible for the psychoactive effect of the plant. Varieties of C. sativa that contain high levels of THC are known by various names including marijuana, whereas varieties with low THC concentrations are referred to as hemp or industrial hemp.
Dr Katelaris said ‘I am fervently opposed to this delay in the assessment of the hemp foods application, since it is the third time the decision has been setback in 18 months.” Dr Katelaris added that he would be contacting the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to provide an independent review of the FSANZ assessment process.
While hemp is legally grown in Australia and New Zealand, the Hemp Fibre Industry Facilitation Act of 2004 does not allow for the human consumption of hemp seeds and seed products. In New Zealand, hemp seed oil is permitted for human consumption.
In countries where hemp foods are legal such as the US, Canada and Europe, consumers are reaping the benefits of hemp seeds, including a readily digestible source of protein, a nutritionally balanced source of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and naturally high amounts of fibre, amino acids and other nutrients. Hemp seeds are also gluten free.
Australian consumers are missing out on the many tasty hemp food products available including hemp milks, muesli bars, breads, non-dairy cheeses, cereals, ice-cream and non-soy tofu.
Australian farmers are also being denied the economic and environmental benefits of growing hemp as a food.
Hemp produces the greatest industrially usable biomass, in the shortest amount of time, for the least amount of water, with the greatest amount of carbon sequestration compared to any other plant. Hemp fibre is a source of biomass for applications including building, bioplastics, fuel and paper, while the seeds and oil are used for food and bodycare products as well as industrial products such as paints and solvents.
The US based Hemp Industries Association estimated that in 2010, sales of hemp food and bodycare products reached $40.5 million dollars. Hemp industry leaders in Australia and New Zealand are concerned that without the ability to market hemp food products as well as fibre, the viability of the industry is in doubt.
To understand more about the current situation in Australia/New Zealand regarding hemp foods, visit the website
The full story is here:
Company Contact Information
Hemp Lifestyle Magazine
Dr Dionne Payn
PO Box 178
New South Wales, Australia
email: admin@hempindustryinsider.com
Phone: +61 2 6684 1502