28. April 2015 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
Paulius Andriukaitis from Lithuania (p.andriukaitis@gmail.com) is looking for partners regarding CBD oil.
Please find the whole request below.
Best regards,
Johannes Zingsheim
Hello ,
I’m a first year officially approved hemp farmer from Lithuania. This year I plan to grow about 5ha of French certified “Futura25” seed with 25kg/ha ratio. Since there are no company’s that produce CBD oil from plants in Lithuania , I’m looking for some foreign company’s working with this raw material. My goal is to involve as few fuel consuming and other mechanical machinery that makes actual contact to the plant it self as possible for to make the environment for plant as natural as possible. There will not be any chemicals (such as pesticides or herbicides or chemical fertilisers) used to enrich the soil or protect the plants from the external factors. The process should pretty much look like our ancestors used to do it, regarding to Lithuania’s deep heritage of growing hemp reaching up to 16th century, except plowing with horses or drying on open field, since it is not practical or reducing the actual quality of a product. It’s relative to BIO farming except no actual certificate will be available due to very strict laws that makes “bio farming” hardly possible in Lithuania. I’m planning to book a certified herb drying company to dry hemp mass to necessary humidity for to make sure there will be no trace of any type of mould. I am planning to make a short video film of growing and harvesting the plant with every essential aspect of a process so to have a proof of quality and authenticity.
I’m waiting for any kind of proposal on subject. For more information feel free to contact me by given contact information below.
Mr.Paulius Andriukaitis
tel.no. +37068251989