20. March 2013 Daniel Kruse

Dear member of the EIHA,
please find below an invitation of Patrick De Ceuster regarding the potential of local processing of hemp fibre and shive: patrick@wervel.be
Wervel vzw has the pleasure to invite you to a technical meeting on 2 April (13-16h) in Brussels that will show the potential of local processing of hemp fibre and shive.
Henri Puttonen, sales agent for Textiles and Composite Industries Pty Ltd will present a mobile hemp decorticator capable of processing unretted hemp. This machine produces fibre of textile quality. There will be room for questions from the audience.
See attachment for more info and -compulsary- registration. This event is free.
Hope to see you soon,
Patrick De Ceuster
file: invitation_hemp_decorticator_2_april_2013.pdf