12. November 2018 Daniel Kruse
Dear colleagues,
we would like to pay your attention to the event organised by our partner FAAAT, an independent nonprofit organization, and the only lobby group, which has continuously pushed for legalisation of cannabis on international level and educating the decision-makers since 2014. FAAAT has managed to push the World Health Organisation (WHO) to review cannabis by their Expert Committee of Drug Dependence (ECDD) and the outdated regulations (UN Single convention 1961) limiting the potential of both individuals and companies to grow.
The next step of they work is the International Cannabis Policy Conference, that takes place on December 7-9th 2018 in Vienna, Austria. As this is the most important time for cannabis policy reform since 1961 we would like to invite you to participate on this special event. This is the last opportunity for external inputs from key stakeholders: researchers, NGOs, students, public officials, policymakers, private sector businesses, investors, and all other interested parties to help influence the final preparation process of the March 2019 CND meeting. There would be the first possible time that UN CND (Commision of Narcotic Drug), which holds the rights to world wide drug prohibition would be able to vote on cannabis de-scheduling.
This conference is going also present the review of the scientific research which will describe the role of cannabis / hemp plant in the achieving the goals of Sustainable development.
For more information please go to visit website:  www.cannabis-conference.com
Poster including the discount code of 10%: https://eiha.org/media/2018/11/CC_LEAFLET_DL_EIHA_NAHLED.png
First speakers announced, new company & NGO sponsors, and broad and trending topics related to Cannabis policy. Below the 3rd Press Release detailing all you need to know:
Thanks for your interest and sharing the information about this historical event to help us to make it successful.
Kind regards and see you in Vienna
Hana Gabrielová
Hempoint s.r.o. CEO
Advisor for PR, communication and media of EIHA
Fundraising Associate of FAAAT