Dear all,
I would like to invite you to the 24th General Meeting of the EIHA:
9 November 2018, Coming together 10h, Start of the meeting: 11h
WÖLLHAF Konferenz- und Bankettcenter
Köln Bonn Airport
Terminal 1, “Aufgang 4”, 3. OG (3rd upper floor)
51147 Köln/Cologne
How to reach the Wölhaff Conference Center?
Download of the agenda: 18-10-22 Agenda 24 GM EIHA
Minutes of the Genral Meeting 19-01-11 EIHA 24 GM Minutes 2018 EN
Deadline for registration: 5 November.
New, 24 October 2018: After the General Meeting a workshop „Novel Food Agenda“ will take place.
EIHA Board of Directors invites all members of EIHA (Regular and Associate) to participate at Novel Food workshop after General Meeting. Please bring proofs of use of hemp leaves, flowers, extracts in foods and creative ideas.
Place: same as GM. Wölhaff Conference Center, Airport Cologne, Terminal 1, Ebene 3 Kennedystraße 51147 Köln / Cologne, Germany
Date and time: November 9, after General Meeting, finish by 6pm at the latest