28. July 2008 Daniel Kruse

Dear EIHA member,
we are writing to ask for your urgent help and support for the European Hemp Industry.
Please find attached a Statement issued by the EIHA Board of Directors in response to the draft proposal from the EU Commission for the Hemp and Flax fibre processing aid schemes.
Since this proposal was first leaked in March EIHA has been extremely active in lobbying the Commission and the European Parliament. This immediate action has been successful in that we have been able to see the right people and furthermore we have made important contacts both in Fischer Boel’s Cabinet and DG Agriculture. On the 1st July a delegation from the Commission visited Hemcore’s new decortication plant to gain further insight into the European Hemp Industry.
The result of this lobbying has meant that Hemp was firmly on the Agenda at the Council of Ministers meeting on the 2nd July and the draft proposal has been put to each Country for discussion.
We have been close to the Agricultural Ministries in the UK, France and Germany and we would ask you to immediately contact your Agricultural Ministry to make sure they are aware of our demands and recommendations. The more times our Governments hear from the Hemp Industry the better, the message is beginning to take root in their minds, please feed this root development!
If any of you need any clarification on the enclosed please contact us and we thank you in advance for the lobbying you will undertake on behalf of the European Hemp Industry.
Best regards
John Hobson (President of EIHA, on behalf of the Board of Directors of EIHA)
Michael Carus (Managing director of EIHA)
European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)
c/o nova-Institut GmbH
Chemiepark Knapsack
50354 Huerth / Germany
phone +49-(0)2233-48 14 40 (office)
fax +49-(0)2233-48 14 50
email: michael.carus@eiha.org
Board of Directors: John Hobson, Hemcore Ltd. (GB) | Bernd Frank, Badische Naturfaseraufbereitung GmbH (D) | Joan Reverté, AGROFIBRE SAS (F)
Registered 2005-11-23
Country Court Bruehl (D)
VR 1397
Bank: Kreissparkasse Koeln
BLZ: 37050299
Konto-No.: 0138271879
IBAN: DE16 3705 0299 0138 2718 79
S.W.I.F.T./BIC-Address: COKSDE33
file: 08-07-28_Statement_EIHA.pdf